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Targeting hard to reach youth market with gambling support services


23 Red / GamCare


TikTok and Snapchat


Raise awareness of problem gambling support tools designed for 16-21 year olds


Charity / Not for Profit



GamCare - the leading support provider for problem gamblers - had identified a growing issue with young people getting into problems with online gambling. They wanted to create a campaign to reach 16-21 year olds to increase awareness of their dedicated support services for this age group.

Services and Solutions

We worked with creative agency 23Red and GamCare to develop the Big Deal Campaign; it targeted the Youth market to raise awareness of gambling support services timed during Freshers Week at University which had been identified as a key risk period. Campaign budgets were relatively modest and so choosing the right platforms enabling us to target this hard-to-reach audience was key.

From a media optimisation approach, we opted to use a combination of Snapchat and TikTok. Both these platforms have high adoption by our target age group allied with good targeting capabilities using age, interest and hashtag targeting.

We tested multiple creatives to understand specific messaging themes: concern about a friends gambling habits, concern about your own gambling issues, and concerns regarding your parents' gambling.


The campaign achieved strong results.

In terms of ad delivery and reach, we exceeded plans. The combination of the two social media platforms enabled a combination of good video viewing completions (despite the content being relatively earnest compared to typical content on these platforms) with strong engagement. Perhaps more importantly, the ad campaign created a high volume of visits to the dedicated microsite for users to seek further information.

The campaign has subsequently been recommissioned.


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