23 Red / GamCare, GamBan & GamStop
Google PPC (using Google Grants) & Digital Display
Connect problem gamblers at point of need to support services
Charity / Not for Profit
We have worked extensively with 23 Red & GamCare over the past two years. TalkBanStop is a joint initiative between GamCare, GamBan and GamStop and it provides a set of support tools for problem gamblers. We found that when we ran ad campaigns promoting the TalkBanStop services to gamblers, brand awareness, traffic to their websites and support calls substantially increased. Conversely traffic declined when ad campaigns were not running.
Services and Solutions
The solution was to explore the impact of 'always on' digital advertising. This was to provide a constant promotional drumbeat to target those at need. We run two main ad channels as part of 'always on advertising':
Google Search Ads - maximising the charities free Google Grants account, which allows us to be present when people are searching for help
Display Ads - an ad channel which had proved very fruitful in terms of attracting service users as they browsed the wider internet

In many ways the results have spoken for themselves - showing a clear correlation between promotion and service adoption. But being 'always on' let's us fine tune the campaign in terms of search keywords, ad channel buying methods, placement targeting, audience targeting and ad messaging. And this in turn helps reach the right people at the right time.